I’m wife to Zach and mama to a miracle boy named Samuel. Greenville, South Carolina is “home” for us. Here, we have the joy of loving young people as the Youth and Young Adults Pastors at Outreach Church.
Vocationally, we work releasing the kingdom in the market place. Zach is in real estate and I partner with healthcare organizations as a Business Development Strategist.
Our deepest family core value is “‘Yes’ to Jesus at any cost.” Our plates and hearts are full with the things God has called us to give ourselves to. We wouldn’t have it any other way.

One of my absolute favorite things is to help women encounter Jesus and be championed to walk in His abundance as a “daughter of God”.
Our journey through fertility struggles & recurrent pregnancy losses deepened my passion to see women rise above lies from the Enemy and radiate the truth, grace, and power of the gospel.
I’ll never ever turn down a hot cup of coffee, mountains are my happy place, and I have a serious weakness for baked goods. (Really, it’s serious – please refrain from offering them to me. My will power goes right out the window.)
Topping my list of “favorite things” are get-aways with my fellas, intentional writing time, a solid DIY project, Christmas anytime of year, and a strong sweat session at the gym.